For all its negatives, disability does have a funny side. Good humour is essential, and having a disability provides plenty of opportunity for a great laugh.
I am not “amazing”, nor am I “inspirational”. As self deprecating as such a statement may seem, it has never been more true. Allow me to explain.
Inspiration Porn – I Am Not Amazing, Nor Inspirational
Like you, Blind people use our hearing to communicate with others, enjoy entertainment (music, film, TV etc) and to hear the sounds of the world around us. We however rely on our hearing as a means to stay safe, to navigate our surroundings, and, primarily in combination with our sense of touch, to explore everything that you would using your eyes. For some of us our hearing plays another key role, allowing us to perform echo location. Echo location is a means to use hearing to determine the location and properties of an object in space.