For all its negatives, disability does have a funny side. Good humour is essential, and having a disability provides plenty of opportunity for a great laugh.
It was, barely, worth the minimal effort exerted in its restoration, but is ultimately a prime example of why off-the-shelf machines are best avoided in favour of assembling a PC yourself from standard components.
Dell’s Optiplex 780 Is A Perfect Example of Pointless Over-Engineering
I experience dreams exactly as I do real life. I have never known sight. I experience life through my other senses - sound, smell, touch and taste - and my dreams are best described as a kind of subconscious recollection of those experiences.
Can Blind People See in Their Dreams?
I opted to let LinkedIn search my gMail for possible connections and a surprising number of people were uncovered. there was no reason for Google to have an up-to-date record of my contact history. Searching however revealed the list of contacts accumulated over the last 14 years.
gMail Stores your Contacts, and You Probably Didn’t Realise
The iMac is a remarkable feat of engineering. At only 5 mm thin around its edge rising to a little over 4 cm in the centre, packing so much tech into its enclosure is a commendable achievement.
Can a 2012 iMac still serve as a useful recording ...
Fantastically loud renditions of some of rock’s greatest records mixed with some of Rock’s sweetest ballads, intermingled with dialogue and wrapped around a great story make for a raucous, emotional and truly unforgettable three hours.
Review: Bat Out Of Hell The Musical at the London ...
I recently had to erase a Time Machine backup drive that had become corrupted. The drive was refusing to show when connected and would force the Mac’s Disk Utility to hang indefinitely on the ‘loading disks’ message.
Tech Tip: Fix MacOS Disk Utility Unmount Error 69888
I am not “amazing”, nor am I “inspirational”. As self deprecating as such a statement may seem, it has never been more true. Allow me to explain.
Inspiration Porn – I Am Not Amazing, Nor Inspirational
One of my most used) features of the iPhone is its camera. For the past few years the camera has been predominantly used in conjunction with apps to identify objects, detect sources of light, read the screens of electronic devices and to scan and convert printed text. More recently I’ve developed an interest in photography and videography, with a view to begin taking snaps and producing my own videos showcasing my daily life, interesting activities and hobbies. The accessibility of Apple’s iOS devices is leagues ahead of that on other platforms, and that advancement in accessibility has extended to the camera to the point where it is now possible, with a little training and practice, to accurately take pictures and shoot video with no sight at all.
iPhone Photography From A Blind Person’s Point Of View
With no option for warranty replacement, these drives will quite literally be going under the hammer (for reasons of data protection and mild stress relief) and will be replaced by models from Western Digital.
Seagate Expansions 4TB Portable Hard Drive Unreliability & Teardown
Like you, Blind people use our hearing to communicate with others, enjoy entertainment (music, film, TV etc) and to hear the sounds of the world around us. We however rely on our hearing as a means to stay safe, to navigate our surroundings, and, primarily in combination with our sense of touch, to explore everything that you would using your eyes. For some of us our hearing plays another key role, allowing us to perform echo location. Echo location is a means to use hearing to determine the location and properties of an object in space.
Echo Location: Listening to Objects and the Environment
One of the first apps I developed for the Windows platform was a rendition of the classic game 'Guess The Number' with some ridiculous difficulty levels and plenty of bugs. I thought it had been lost to the depths of time until it was unearthed during the rebuilding of this website.